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Public Notices

The Township of Armour strives to generate relevant and timely news information that relates to the public.

by Charlene Watt 13 March 2025
Council meetings will be recorded to provide a record of discussions and agreements held within the meeting. You will be informed if you attend through Zoom and the Mayor will advise participants at the beginning of a Council meeting. The recording could contain: · Your video stream, including images of yourself. · Your audio stream. This includes any opinions you contribute. · Chat messaging. Anyone attending the recorded meeting may have aspects of their personal data recorded, if they actively participate or not. By staying in the meeting, you consent to being recorded.  By consenting and attending the meetings virtually or in-person, participants also agree to recordings being posted to YouTube or other distribution services.
Road Restrictions
6 March 2025
Road Restriction regulations will take effect and be enforced on all Township roads on March 11, 2025 or WHEN SIGNS ARE IN PLACE. These restrictions will remain in effect for a period that will depend on road conditions, with signs being posted accordingly.
SolarBank has secured IESO approval to establish a 4.99 MW BESS in Armour Township
by Charlene Watt 5 March 2025
SolarBank has secured IESO approval to establish a 4.99 MW BESS in Armour Township. During recent consultations with Township staff in connection with proposed Official Plan and Zoning Amendments, and site plan approval for BESS, Township staff requested a full and transparent public engagement process. The applicant proposes to co-locate a 4.99 megawatt BESS operation with an existing solar array on the land. Ontario’s electrical distribution regulator, IESO approved the subject Pegg’s Mountain property for expedited approval. The applicant will be submitting an information package on BESS systems as part of the application submission.
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