Corporate Services oversees the implementation of Council decisions and processes the information that is generated by Council. It also serves as an information centre for Council, administration and the public by managing records of the Township of Armour and processing all requests under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).
Municipal Clerk: Charlene Watt
705-382-3332 Ext. 106
About Privacy Legislation
In the municipal sector, the Municipal Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) presides over access to information and privacy. MFIPPA states that an individual has a right to access certain information kept by a municipality, and that a municipality must protect the personal and proprietary information in its custody.
MFIPPA contains mandatory and discretionary exemptions that a municipality may use to limit the disclosure of certain records, to ensure that privacy is protected. These exemptions only apply in specific instances, and will determine how much information is provided in response to a request made under MFIPPA. Municipal Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act
Freedom of Information Request Form
This is a provincial government form which can be filled in online; Freedom of Information Request Form
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Manual
Policy for Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination of Municipal Records
By-law to Appoint Clerk as Head of Municipality for MFIPPA Requests
The Township of Armour is committed in providing excellent service to the public, and it will contribute to continuous improvement of Municipal operations and service standards.
What is a complaint?
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction related to a Township of Armour program, service, facility, or staff member, where a citizen believes that the Municipality has not provided a service experience to the customer’s satisfaction at the point of service delivery and a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected.
A Complaint is NOT:
The first step is for the complainant to attempt to resolve concerns by dealing with the Municipality and/or the Municipal employee(s) directly involved with the issue where appropriate. If not satisfied, the complainant should attempt to resolve the issue with the Manager responsible for the Department in question. These communications may be written or verbal in nature.
In order to submit a formal complaint to the Municipality, you will be asked to provide the following information:
All complaints will be dealt with in a confidential manner according to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Information will be collected, used and disclosed in accordance with the Act. More information on the Act is available at the Information and Privacy Commissioner's website.
The Township of Armour’s full complaint policy and complaint form are available for download below. If you remain unsatisfied or feel we have not addressed your concern properly, you can register a complaint with the Ontario Ombudsman's Office.
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