by Charlene Watt
7 March 2024
Flood Forecasting and Warning Program Information about the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program, which prepares provincial and local authorities in the event of a flood. Visit to access the flood forecasting and warning program. Local flood messages There are 4 types of local flood messages: flood warning: flooding is imminent or already occurring flood watch: there is the potential for flooding watershed conditions statements: flood Outlook (an early notice of the potential for flooding based on heavy rain, snow melt etc.) and water safety information. shoreline conditions statements: flood outlook (an early notice of the potential for flooding on the Great Lakes based on weather and lake conditions) and water safety information. LEARN MORE • Surface Water Monitoring Centre public webpage • Environment Canada bulletins: www. • A close watch on local conditions and weather forecasts from Environment Canada is recommended. Before A Flood / During A Flood / After A Flood Flooding Awareness Fact Sheet Flooding Awareness Roles & Responsibilities