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SolarBank has secured IESO approval to establish a 4.99 MW BESS in Armour Township
by Charlene Watt 5 March 2025
SolarBank has secured IESO approval to establish a 4.99 MW BESS in Armour Township. During recent consultations with Township staff in connection with proposed Official Plan and Zoning Amendments, and site plan approval for BESS, Township staff requested a full and transparent public engagement process. The applicant proposes to co-locate a 4.99 megawatt BESS operation with an existing solar array on the land. Ontario’s electrical distribution regulator, IESO approved the subject Pegg’s Mountain property for expedited approval. The applicant will be submitting an information package on BESS systems as part of the application submission.
by Charlene Watt 13 November 2024
The Township of Armour is using CodeRED. CodeRED is a high speed mass notification system to keep you safe in the event of an emergency and is used to provide general information that you need to know with short notice. The system allows the Township of Armour to deliver messages to you via phone call (landline or mobile device) and through text and email. There are two types of calls/messages you may receive – Emergency Notifications as well as General Notifications: A CodeRED Emergency message will have a caller ID of 1-866-419-5000. A CodeRED General message will have a caller ID of 1-855-969-4636.  CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION and TO REGISTER.
by Charlene Watt 7 March 2024
Flood Forecasting and Warning Program Information about the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program, which prepares provincial and local authorities in the event of a flood. Visit https://www.lioapplications.lrc.gov.on.ca/webapps/swmc/flood-forecasting-and-warning-program/#currentFloodInformation to access the flood forecasting and warning program. Local flood messages There are 4 types of local flood messages: flood warning: flooding is imminent or already occurring flood watch: there is the potential for flooding watershed conditions statements: flood Outlook (an early notice of the potential for flooding based on heavy rain, snow melt etc.) and water safety information. shoreline conditions statements: flood outlook (an early notice of the potential for flooding on the Great Lakes based on weather and lake conditions) and water safety information. LEARN MORE • Surface Water Monitoring Centre public webpage www.ontario.ca/page/surface-water-monitoring-centre • Environment Canada bulletins: www. weather.gc.ca • A close watch on local conditions and weather forecasts from Environment Canada is recommended. Before A Flood / During A Flood / After A Flood Flooding Awareness Fact Sheet Flooding Awareness Roles & Responsibilities
Forest Fires - Updates and Interactive Map
13 May 2022
Information about the current forest fire danger, forest fire activity and fire restrictions across the province. The below link houses information about:  How to report a fire Interactive fire map Forest fire updates Restricted Fire Zones Contact information Fires: year to date Forest fire zone safety How to prevent forest fires More information
Flood Forecasting and Warning Program
22 February 2022
Information about the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program, which prepares provincial and local authorities in the event of a flood.
Fire Rating Explanation
by Charlene Watt 3 June 2021
If you have any questions with regards to fire safety or the current fire rating, please do not hesitate to contact the Fire Prevention Officer at 705-788-4676.
Bear Wise Program
1 January 2021
Keep Bears out of your neighbourhood W hat to do if you encounter a bear : IN AN IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY: Dial 911. To REPORT BEAR PROBLEMS: Contact the MNRF Bear Reporting Line: 1-866-514-2327 (TTY) 705-945-7641. VISIT THE BEAR WISE WEBSITE provided by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. (OMNRF). Seeing a bear is not an emergency or is it a bear problem. I f you feel you are in an emergency situation you may opt to call 911 for the Ontario Provincial Police. N  OTE: If a bear is rummaging through your garbage or eating seed out of a bird feeder, this is not an emergency. After the bear leaves the area, clean up the garbage and put the bird feeder(s) away until the snow flies.
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